+1 (800) 228-4552 / Local (+52) 322-222-3838
Blvd Francisco Medina Ascencio
Puerto Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta
Discover a selection of vacation rentals in Grand Venetian Puerto Vallarta that are perfect for your trip. Whether you’re traveling with friends, family, or even pets, vacation homes have the best amenities for hanging out with the people that matter most, including swimming pools and WiFi. Condos and studios are popular options for a stay in Grand Venetian. Either way, you’ll find a rental for everyone’s needs.
From a unit near town with an unparalleled view of the Cathedral to a unit directly facing the stunning Bay of Banderas with views of the Malecón and up the coastline, from a four bedroom to a one bedroom all with an exquisite Banderas Bay view.
Grand Venetian Puerto Vallarta is located at 2477 Boulevard Francisco Medina Ascencio, 48333 Puerto Vallarta.